Philosophy is a way of thinking about the world, the universe, society, individuals, from infinitely grand to infinitely small seeking logical interconnections patterns that repeat as cycles. It works by asking very basic questions about the nature of human thought, the nature of the universe, and the connections between them. Logic gets further connected and refined into Wisdom - or Philosophical Concepts and Doctrines. That forms Super Intelligence putting all parts into Holistic perspective. At certain point knowledge gets condensed to a very sublime Viewpoint from which it gets redistributed from above down to solving everyday problems. Vedic Philosophy thus recognizes Ascending (from partial to Whole) and Descending (from whole to partial) way of knowing. Descending philosophy (parampara) is useful for Visionary forecasts, prophecies, predictions, education and Ascending is necessary for practical applications (scientific method) and technological implementation.
We use applied Philosophy a lot more than you realize, we just call it something else, like math, numerology, or maybe JavaScript. One of the most practical and central branches of Philosophy is called Logic. Logic is the study of how we can reason from what we already know or believe (usually called axioms) to learn (or prove) stuff we were not sure of. That reasoning underpins everything we know in Mathematics (which includes computer science and statistics) which in turn underpins all of what most people call Science, Engineering and Technology (which are generally lumped together as STEM). Every post-graduate course, and many upper-level undergrad courses, in mathematics will eventually wind up discussing philosophy, even if they don’t call it that. More importantly they implicitly use the findings of Logic to communicate the course content in the same way that an engineer would use math to explain their designs to another engineer.
Fun fact: The abbreviation for a doctorate degree you will see on the name-tags of most departments is Ph.D., which is short for Doctor of Philosophy. If you take a quick tour of your local university and find all the departments where the professors have Ph.D. in front of their name. Most departments will. The exceptions that come to mind are medicine (M.D.), dentistry (D.D.), Law (J.D. for Doctor of Jurisprudence), and Religion (Th.D. – Doctor of Theology). When you think about all the departments at a university, that’s a very small number of exceptions. Conclusion – Philosophy Rules!
There are two types of logic at core level : 1. Linear, Artificial (Aristotle’s – doesn’t allow 2 opposite statements to be true at the same time), 2. Nonlinear, Quantum (Platonic, allows 2 opposite statements to be true at the same time). Interestingly Human brain operates on Platonic Logic, but modern silicone computers operate on Linear Artificial logic. Artificial logic is unnatural for humans, turns them into robots and dehumanizes society. To restore balance Sri Chaitanya introduced even a more exalted breed of nonlinear Logic – Logic of ecstatic Love – Inconceivable Unity in Diversity (Achintya Abheda Bheda Tatva). This is a logic of All Unification of all antagonisms of life. This is Logic of Love, logic of Harmony. Love and Beauty will save the world. Logic of Love unfolds from a practice of Chanting the Holy Names, because everything is a Vibration at the core Level. Mantra vibration affects our Consciousness and the possibilities of thought. Don’t try to change the world, Change Your Consciousness and the world will reciprocate on a higher level. Don’t try to become God, rather allow Divinity be you. Eternal Life requires sacrifice of False Ego – sacrifice of Status Quo. This is the Ultimate Art of Living.
Consciousness is Awareness of yourself and environment – the world around you. Consciousness is emanating from Spirit Soul – Eternal Energy particle (Spiritual Atom of Brahman – Unified energy field that comes from Supreme Consciousness). So the Reality is Nothing but Super Consciussness infinitely looped onto itself through Unified Energy field and Matter. The World is described as an infinite Revolution of Consciousness, Energy to Matter and back from Matter into Energy Field and into Supreme Consciousness. The Supreme Intelligence requires such operation to infinitely grow. In ancient terms it was called a Holy Trinity of Bhagavan (Supreme), Brahman (spiritual energy), Paramatma (individual self). In modern scientific terms it is known as trinity of: Information, Energy, Matter. Everything Vibrates and from Highest Spiritual to Lowest Material is merely a different pitch of vibration. Spiritual Consciousness higher than energy, so it empowers the soul , but material Consciousness has a lower vibes, draining and putting soul to sleep.
Spirit Soul particle is potentially very powerful, yet can be dormant if unaware of its true nature, consumed by delusion of this material world. Spiritual Awakening usually doesn’t happen overnight and takes constant practice. In psychology, consciousness is occasionally confused with the conscience. It is important to note that while consciousness involves awareness of yourself and the world, your conscience is related to your morality and sense of right or wrong.
States of consciousness play an important role in our everyday experience. In order to see how consciousness works, it helps to understand how consciousness can be influenced by spiritual practice.